Register today for Wisconsin's largest gun violence prevention event organized by Forward Latino and the more than 38 advocacy, business, faith-based, and service groups that make up the 80% Coalition! This year's summit is being held at the Baird Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on October 10, 2024!
Come hear and meet with survivors, national experts, faith-based leaders, elected officials, and advocates to learn what you can do to be the change! These presenters will share solutions, policies, and violence intervention strategies for both urban and rural communities. The summit will also feature a session on becoming an effective gun violence prevention advocate!
Topics for this year’s workshops and information sessions include:
•25 years since Columbine: Student Perspectives on Gun Violence
•Community Intervention Strategies for Preventing Gun Violence
•Domestic Violence, Guns & the Law
•Faith & Firearms
•Gun Violence by the Numbers
•Gun Violence & Public Perceptions
•Law Enforcement & the Justice System: Building Bridges in Preventing Gun Violence
•Legal Perspectives: The Fallout of Bruen
•School Safety in the Era of Gun Violence
•Suicide Prevention Best Practices
•The Intersection of Guns & Hate
•The Journey From Survivor to Advocate
•The Physical & Mental Trauma Caused by Gun Violence
& more!
The Summit is free except for the luncheon. Grants are available for high school juniors and seniors who wish to attend the luncheon with a high school faculty member or administrator. Contact Forward Latino at (833)528-4661 for more information.
Register today and be the change!
Kimberly Mata-Rubio, Survivor,
Uvalde, Texas
Source: Gun Violence Archive
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Source: Brady United Against Gun Violence
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Source: Journal of trauma and acute care surgery 86, 2019
Source: Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
General Event Registration (no luncheon) is free of charge!
Support our community by sponsoring the 2024 Emergency Gun Violence Summit! See our menu of available sponsorship, advertising and exhibitor opportunities!
2024 EGVS Sponsorship Agreement Packet LR 1_1 (pdf)
DownloadThe Baird Center has a variety of parking options and is accessible by public transportation.
Khary Penebaker, a survivor who lost his mother to suicide with a gun at a young age, shares the everyday impact gun violence has on his life and his new found sources of inspiration..
The 80% Coalition is non-partisan and is comprised of advocacy, business, education, faith-based, professional and service organizations committed to pushing back against hate and urging our legislators at the state and federal levels to pass commonsense gun violence prevention legislation.
Advanced Wireless, Inc., Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Bishops Against Gun Violence, Brady: United Against Gun Violence, Community Coalition for Quality Policing, Crusaders of Justicia, Doctors for America, Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee, Felmers Chaney Advocacy Board, First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee, Forward Latino, Greater Milwaukee Synod, ELCA, Hours Against Hate, Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee, Islamic Society of Milwaukee, JCRC - Milwaukee Jewish Federation, League of United Latin American Citizens Wisconsin, March for Our Lives MKE, March For Our Lives Wisconsin, Milwaukee Inner-City Congregations Allied for Hope (MICAH), Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church, Milwaukee Muslim Women's Coalition, Mom's Demand Action - Wisconsin, NAACP - Milwaukee Branch, Wisconsin State NAACP Conference of Branches, NAMI Dane County, NAMI Wisconsin, National Council of Jewish Women - Milwaukee, Serve 2 Unite, Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, UMOS, United Methodist Church WI/SE District, Wisconsin Conference, United Church of Christ, Wisconsin Anti Violence Effort (WAVE), Wisconsin Council of Churches & Wisconsin Council of Rabbis.
Pass legislation that extends the current background check requirement to include any sale or transfer of firearms at gun shows, online or from an individual.
Pass legislation that allows law enforcement or a family member to petition the court if they believe an individual with a firearm is a danger to themselves and/or to others and if the threat is found to be credible, empower law enforcement to retrieve the firearm(s) until the threat is no longer.
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